1. Introduction
Since time immemorial, the study of disease and its remedies has
captivated humankind. Today, modern medicine i.e., Allopathy, has gained
prominence and widespread acceptance as the preferred method of curing disease.
The advances in modern medicine have made clearer the physical and
psychological causes behind various diseases. However, it is also true that the
reasons behind many diseases are still not completely understood by modern
medical science.
2. Limitations of modern medical science
It is important to understand the causes behind any disease for
obvious reasons, like curing the disease; it is equally important to understand
why one person out of two gets ill, where both of them had an equal chance of
catching the disease. Modern medical science explains a lot about the first
point, but is at odds to say much about the second point. Many a time in
Allopathy, treating a disease means treating the symptoms or signs of the
disease. Therefore, for many of the diseases, even after the symptoms have been
suppressed, one has to continue treatment throughout one’s life to keep them
suppressed, without actually curing the disease itself. Then as there is no
permanent cure, one has to endure the physical and psychological distress
associated with the disease along with the side effects of the treatment.
3. Importance of spiritual healing remedies
for better health
Āyurvēda the traditional Indian health system, recognises that the cause
of disease can be at three levels, i.e., physical, psychological and spiritual.
At SSRF, through spiritual research, we have identified that the predominant
root cause of illnesses is spiritual in nature. In fact up to 80% of the root
cause of why a person gets a certain disease is spiritual in nature. These
spiritual reasons can include an individual’s destiny or karma, due to departed ancestors or negative
energies (ghosts, demons, devils etc.). These spiritual reasons are specific to
an individual. This is precisely the reason why one person out of two gets ill,
where both of them had an equal chance of catching the disease.
Spiritual practice and spiritual healing measures are important
tools to overcome illnesses where the root cause, most of the time, is
spiritual in nature. As it is difficult to understand or realise the spiritual
reason responsible for the disease of a person, a patient should continue with
the usual prescribed medical treatment and along with it employ spiritual
remedies. When an individual undertakes spiritual practice, one’s spiritual
level rises and there is an intrinsic change in his spiritual constitution. It
also has an effect on the mind and body. The benefit of this is an increase in
protection from disease and other distresses arising out of it. For example,
even though one can contract a disease, the physical and psychological distress
suffered due to the illness is less when compared to a person not doing
spiritual practice. Spiritual practice and spiritual healing measures not only
helps to overcome illnesses but also helps to make a person’s mind spiritually
purer and more selfless.
4. Importance of spiritual healing methods in
the coming times
The world is currently in a stage of turmoil. Many Saints have
predicted the possibility of a Third World War and unprecedented natural
disasters in the next few years. As a result of this war there will be a
scarcity of many basic commodities. Factories will close down and medicines
will become unavailable. During that time, one will have to rely on spiritual
healing measures and available alternative therapies to cure diseases. From
this vantage point, learning and practising spiritual healing measures from now
itself is important.
Source: http://www.spiritualresearchfoundation.org/limitations-of-medical-science
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