Sunday, 30 November 2014

How Do I Know if I Have Psychic Abilities? We Help you Find Out

How Do I Know if I Have Psychic Abilities? We Help you Find Out


Psychic abilities allow you to have perceptions beyond the physical body. They are part of the daily life of many. You will find countless references in books, movies and the internet for phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance, intuition and premonition, which are some types of non-physical (or extraphysical) perception. But how do I know if I have psychic abilities?

Most of us have most likely thought about this question at some point in our lives. Maybe one day you find you have very clear intuition, another day you may experience déjà vú, at another time you experience a lucid dream or even clairvoyance, maybe when you were younger.

We are All Psychic

So; how to know if I have psychic abilities after experiencing one or more of these? The answer is really simple: we are all psychic.

Some of us are more psychic than others. When it comes to developing psychic abilities have them more developed than others; but we all possess the ability of being a proper psychic with the right training and techniques.

Psychic abilities are in fact a ‘kind of intelligence’; you learn them in the same way you learn how to play the piano or drive a car. You simply learn how to become psychic.

But it is important to understand there are people that have this intelligence much more developed than others; so for them it is simply a part of their lives. Others want to either develop, increase and/or control them.

If you want to know if you already possess these types of abilities (or Parapsychic Intelligence) pay attention as you go through life to occurrences that might lead you to come to this conclusion.

Understanding Psychic Abilities

The first step is to understand the different ways that information can reach you, a consciousness. If you touch a metallic door knob you will get the sensation that it is cold. You perceive this via a physical sense.

If you are lying on your bed, relaxed, and clearly feel a tingling sensation between your eyebrows, that persists for more than a minute, and fells as if a feather was touching that area repeatedly, when there is nothing physical touching that area, then that might be your psychic perception at work. In other words, the sensation cannot be explained in physical terms and maps to a non-physical body that we have: the energy body (or energosoma).

If you have your eyes open and look at another person in front of and see the details of her face, hair, eyes, this is the result of your eyes, brain, and all physical parts of your body involved in physical sight.


If you, however, see a bright envelope around the person, about five centimetres thick, along with brightness and colours around the head, in an area that extends up to 20 centimetres from the head, then this is psychic ability. You would be seeing her aura, something that is extraphysical and not accessible through your physical eyes.

People often ask me if those things could not simply be our imagination. The thing is imagination is something you decide to put into work. It’s your will power at work. We can apply the same “tests” to differentiate physical and psychic perceptions.

In the metallic door knob example, you can ask yourself “am I imagining this psychic ability?” If after you verify this you continue to feel the coldness of the metal, you know the perception is there. It requires you to be in a passive, receptive state, trying to “listen” or “receive” the perception without letting your expectation or will interfere. If you train this ability with your physical perceptions it will be easier for you to identify when you have a psychic perception.

Put your Psychic Abilities Through the Test:

10 Questions that Will Help You Assess Them

1.     Have you felt drained after meeting someone? Like you need to have a quick nap?

2.     Have you ever had a feeling that something is about to happen to someone around you only to find out it actually happened after some time?

3.     Have you ever visited a friend in his/her house (feeling great when arriving) but then left feeling really tired? (no drinking or eating involved)

4.     Have you ever woken up remembering a very lucid dream or an out-of-body experience?

5.     Have you ever had a lucid out-of-body experience?

6.     How about clairvoyance? Have you ever had a flash and you were able to see other dimensions or people that have already passed away?

7.     Intuition: is it common to you? How relevant are your intuitions?

8.     Have you ever been able to predict the future?

9.     How about past events? Have you ever had a retrocognition or recollection of a previous life?

10.              Have you ever felt spontaneous vibration within your body when waking up or when falling asleep?

If you have answered ‘yes’ or agreed with any of these questions there are possibilities that you possess a good level of psychism, that’s how simple it is to tell if you possess psychic abilities.

Your Interest is Already a Sign!

Another thing to take into account is when we show a particular interest for the topic. This implies we have more awareness around it therefore we have a better chance to increase and develop the abilities. Curiosity, motivation and dedication are key for the development of this process.

Ideally we all should be developing this intelligence in order to add to all the other capacities we already have; therefore our understanding around life might increase and expand.

Knowledge is necessary for the development of your psychic abilities: read, study, practice and you will be able to understand your level of psychism as well as to better develop this intelligence.

Applying Techniques for Psychic Development in a Healthy State

It is important to mention that you should also focus on applying techniques to achieve psychic experiences while in a healthy condition, where you could exercise your lucidity and mental abilities fully.

Because of this, taking any kind of drug, supplement, plant, root, or anything that will alter your mental abilities will not help, particularly when you are trying understand what psychic abilities are.

Belief and Psychic Abilities

Another common theme related to this question is whether or not you should believe in psychic powers. IAC proposes that you don’t believe in anything and that you try to validate the theory that you learn with your own experiences.

Approaching the subject with an open mind and with a healthy dose of scepticism can be very helpful in differentiating sensations from the physical body, imagination, and real psychic perception.

That approach requires you to accept that sometimes you will not know what exactly happened. This is expected and should not discourage you. The universe within and the one around us are both very complex, and at times we will not know, at least not right away. What is important is if you have new experiences and learn how to identify when it is psychic ability in more instances as you gather experience.

Personal Growth and Parapsychism

Psychic abilities are natural abilities, and as such, may be learned and some may have them spontaneously. Some may be good at one modality, for example, telepathy, but inexperienced in another, for example, premonition.

Learn how to work with energies and honest, brave attempts to know more about the areas of your personality that you can improve (self-knowledge) will also help to ensure a healthy development of your psychic abilities.

The Stereotypical Image of Psychics

A lot of movies unfortunately portray the psychic ability as something obscure (in horror movies, for example), mystical (in some dramas and action movies), or pertaining to a person that is imbalanced, unstable (to avoid the word “crazy”), or that has some grave illness (a brain tumour), suffered an injury, had a near-death experience, or was hit by lightning.

Those references may give the inaccurate impression that psychic abilities only happens in odd circumstances, which is not the case at all. There are plenty of rational healthy people that had extraordinary psychic experiences that made them more mature. There are also people that apply a rational approach to their psychic abilities and apply those experiences for personal growth, which is the approach at IAC.

Interested in learning more about your psychic abilities?

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Blue Ribbon

Aymen Fares is a Life Coach and Psychic

A teacher in New York decided to honor each of her seniors in high school by telling them the difference they each made.

She called each student to the front of the class, one at a time. First she told each of them how they had made a difference to her and the class. Then she presented each of them with a blue ribbon imprinted with gold letters which read, “Who I Am Makes a Difference.”

Afterwards the teacher decided to do a class project to see what kind of impact recognition would have on a community. She gave each of the students three more ribbons and instructed them to go out and spread this acknowledgment ceremony. Then they were to follow up on the results, see who honored whom and report back to the class in about a week.

One of the boys in the class went to a junior executive in a nearby company and honored him for helping him with his career planning. He gave him a blue ribbon and put it on his shirt. Then he gave him two extra ribbons and said, “We’re doing a class project on recognition, and we’d like you to go out, find somebody to honor, give them a blue ribbon, then give them the extra blue ribbon so they can acknowledge a third person to keep this acknowledgment ceremony going. Then please report back to me and tell me what happened.”

Later that day the junior executive went in to see his boss, who had been noted, by the way, as being kind of a grouchy fellow. He sat his boss down and he told him that he deeply admired him for being a creative genius. The boss seemed very surprised. The junior executive asked him if he would accept the gift of the blue ribbon and would he give him permission to put it on him. His surprised boss said, “Well, sure.” The junior executive took the blue ribbon and placed it right on his boss’s jacket above his heart. As he gave him the last extra ribbon, he said, “Would you do me a favor? Would you take this extra ribbon and pass it on by honoring somebody else? The young boy who first gave me the ribbons is doing a project in school and we want to keep this recognition ceremony going and find out how it affects people.”

That night the boss came home to his 14-year-old son and sat him down. He said, “The most incredible thing happened to me today. I was in my office and one of the junior executives came in and told me he admired me and gave me a blue ribbon for being a creative genius. Imagine. He thinks I’m a creative genius. Then he put this blue ribbon that says ‘Who I Am Makes A Difference'” on my jacket above my heart. He gave me an extra ribbon and asked me to find somebody else to honor. As I was driving home tonight, I started thinking about whom I would honor with this ribbon and I thought about you. I want to honor you.

My days are really hectic and when I come home I don’t pay a lot of attention to you. Sometimes I scream at you for not getting good enough grades in school and for your bedroom being a mess, but somehow tonight, I just wanted to sit here and, well, just let you know that you do make a difference to me. Besides your mother, you are the most important person in my life. You’re a great kid and I love you!”

The startled boy started to sob and sob, and he couldn’t stop crying. His whole body shook. He looked up at his father and said through his tears, “I have been contemplating suicide, Dad, because I didn’t think you loved me. Now I know you care.”

The boss went back to work a changed man. He was no longer a grouch but made sure to let all his employees know that they made a difference. The junior executive helped several other young people with career planning and never forgot to let them know that they made a difference in his life. The young boy and his classmates learned a valuable lesson.

Who you are DOES make a difference.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

My glimpses of the afterlife mean I no longer fear death

There were many questions I asked my mother when I was little. I suppose they are the ones asked by most children. Do we just stop when we die? Why am I alive? Is there a God?

Now I am in my ninth decade and, both my mother and science having failed to answer any of those pressing childhood questions, I have come to a few of my own conclusions.

Do we stop when we die? 'Of course we do,' say the scientists, yet my experience makes me doubt it. So many people have reported near-death experiences, can they all be deluded?

I've had a couple myself, which have made me rather more certain that there's some kind of afterlife. The first came when I was 17 and under anaesthetic for a knee operation. I felt myself hurrying down the tunnel of death towards a light at the end: the feeling of euphoria, or being united in companionship, was so vivid as to be unforgettable, and convincing.


So many people have reported near-death experiences, can they all be deluded? I've had a couple myself

Physiologists assure us that this experience is just what we feel as the dying brain is deprived of oxygen. They may be right, but it hardly seems a complete explanation for the ecstasy I experienced back then. Something spiritual had certainly occurred.

I had a rather more complicated experience of death when I was in my 70s and my heart unexpectedly flat-lined. Under anaesthetic in hospital, I saw the gates of Heaven, in garish colours rather than pearly white.

They were double-glazed, and opened for me. I was being dragged throughwhile others - I couldn't see their faces - tried to hold me back.

Staring through a haze, I caught a glimpse of the other side. I had a clear impression of the same old familiar struggle going on there as here, good and evil mixed, one step forward, half a step back.

Waking up in intensive care, I heard myself say: 'Oh I see, just more of the same!' Whatever it was, Heaven or Hell, it didn't seem too bad, and it led me to the notion that death was just the continuation of life by other means.


Do I think more about death as I grow older? Yes, of course, but I'm not afraid of it. Oddly, the near-death experience I had at 17 - oxygen deprivation or not - left me with the feeling that the Universe was essentially benign, and I've been afraid of very little since.

If there is no afterlife then at least I'll know nothing about it. And if there is something on 'the other side', as I suspect there is, I dare say I will cope. I've done it in this life, so why not in the next? Growing old is for me far more frightening than the unknown.

I know what you're probably thinking. What kind of old bat has a near-death experience? Well, I'm not easily deluded. I'm not superstitious. I don't believe in lucky charms or crystals. I am rational enough in all other respects. I don't want to know my future, though I might pick petals off the odd dandelion to find out if he loves me or he loves me not.

I sometimes read my horoscope in magazines, though I know every 12th person will have the same 'fortune' as me, and I wouldn't dream of acting on its advice.

'Oddly, the near-death experience I had at 17 - oxygen deprivation or not - left me with the feeling that the Universe was essentially benign, and I've been afraid of very little since'

I was brought up to believe that the laws of physics were immutable, eternal and the same throughout the Universe, and so spent a lot of my life dismissing all evidence of the unexplainable as hokum. But as cosmologists tell us about the existence of multiple universes, and quantum physicists about time-travelling particles, I find I am no longer so hooked on common sense.

I am, after all, an habitual creator of alternative universes, which is what novelists do for a living.
And the longer I live, the more prepared I am to accept that the unusual happens. For example, that the man in the preacher's hat whom I saw winking in and out of nothingness at the end of St Andrews pier in 1951 was, indeed, the parson from Dundee who drowned, according to legend, on his way to preach to the students one Sunday in the year 1551.

I felt spooked, but only after I realised that the laws of physics had been broken. At the time he just looked as a man would have looked 400 years earlier.

I no longer feel the need to deny my own experiences. When someone I know has died, I'm not surprised if they visit me within a day or two and say goodbye. They make the rounds of family and friends, in order of your importance to them, not them to you, so you have to be patient.

You're lying asleep or walking down the street when they make themselves known, as if tapping you on the shoulder and saying: 'Hi, it's me. I've come to say goodbye.'

You look round and there's no one there, yet you heard them clear as a bell. It's a kind of brushing of spirits that puts grief to rest; a sudden, clear, unexpected awareness of their presence for a second or two before they go off somewhere else.

I have no idea where the 'somewhere else' is and yes, of course I may be imagining it. No one can prove there is an afterlife, but no one can prove there isn't.

In this awareness of an afterlife, I find myself in the company of many perfectly intelligent and rational people, the late, great Arthur Balfour, born in 1848, for one.

Politician, philosopher, Prime Minister (a very good one) and 'the cleverest man in all England', he believed in the existence of an afterlife and the scientific possibility that the dead could communicate with the living. He was even one-time president of the Society for Psychical Research.

Balfour moves as a real character among the fictional ones in my new novel, Long Live The King, caught up in the quest to sort out truth from superstition, the fake medium from the genuine. My heroine, a 17-year-old, is a medium who assumes she is fake but isn't.

As to my girlhood question of 'Is there a God?', I was in my 70s and a lifelong agnostic before deciding I might as well behave as if there were a God, become a Christian and join the Anglican Church. If it was good enough for my ancestors, it's good enough for me.

It seemed the least I could do was to align myself with the forces of good, rather than evil. Perhaps I had just read Paradise Lost or seen Lord of the Rings, or heard someone quote Edmund Burke's 'all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing'. I can't remember.

Certainly I know I had just written an essay on St Paul's letters to the Corinthians for a publisher, and had been so swayed by the language and story of the New Testament that a new religious conviction came with ease, rather than with difficulty. Enough of all this intellectual sitting on the fence, I thought.

As St Paul wrote in the first century: 'When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly... And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.'
These are the conclusions of eight decades. After nine, everything may seem different. I'll let you know.

Saturday, 15 November 2014


I arrived at yesterday much the same as I have every other day for so long now. Almost resenting I had another day to endure and while away with some petty projects in the name of earning a living and socializing.

How all that changed in the ring of a gunshot. A beautiful young man, standing guard over a monument with an empty rifle was slain by some fanatical fool who had fallen under the spell of a violent and barbaric religious ideology.

These twisted fanatics whether home-grown or imported need to be dealt with and quickly. Some means needs to be devised to remove them from our soil. Place them with their own kind and let them feed upon each other and eventually succumb to their own voracious murderous appetites.

If they choose to go from our land, let them; even help them but don’t let them return. Make it very clear it is a one way ticket.

It is well know that a cancer will continue to grow and spread and feed off the live tissue until it kills its host, unless it is cut out of the body.

We barely made it to mid-week and we have already had two terrorist attacks close to home. Everything has changed for us Canadians. It has now become personal and we know that these are not the type of entities that will stop of their own accord. They are not human and lack all human traits of compassion, love and understanding. They are cold, calculating killing machines who derive pleasures from the infliction of pain and terror.

When my son returned from work he had much to say of the day’s events. Being a paramedic, the news and videos of the events were seriously and somberly analyzed by all first responders. They were still reeling from the tragic events when they were called to be fitted for their personal hazmat suits. Yet, another reminder of the dramatic challenges and risks that lie ahead.

Everything has changed and it will never be the same for me. All those stupid petty distractions of my egoistic life have been exposed for what they are and I realize now most do not even deserve my thoughts. Perhaps, I will lapse at times but I am beginning to see that the Creating Force has a way of gently reminding me of my true purpose and if I don’t pay attention to gentle then there is a sound smack on the side of the head coming, as was yesterday.


Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Avoiding Victim Mentality

Victim mentality is that state in which something always goes wrong, and in which we never believe it is our fault. It may be a health issue that bothers us, the inability to find a job, an annoying coworker, or an ungrateful spouse or child. Whatever ails us, the common theme of victim mentality is that there is always someone or something else to blame.

When we get stuck in victim mentality, misery clings to us like a baby monkey to its mother. Our health and relationships deteriorate. There is bad luck wherever we look. We may be resentful of life in general (“Everything always goes wrong!”), or just one thing (“Life would be so perfect if it weren’t for such and such!”). Whatever the case, when victim mentality takes over, things go downhill fast.
People genuinely unhappy about something may argue that their attitude is valid. They will say that they are truly not to blame, and that they really do suffer through no fault of their own. Although this logic may seem reasonable, I have found it to be a very unhelpful attitude in life. I am not suggesting that we admonish ourselves with the rebuke that we deserve all the ill that we get, but we will find we have much lighter hearts when we take responsibility for our lives, and this includes those things over which we appear to have no control. There are several belief systems that are helpful here: One is the Indian and Buddhist notion of karma, which says that all that happens to us is a result of our earlier deeds. Another belief popular in the New Age movement is the idea that we attract the experiences that we most need to grow (including our parents, our surroundings, and our body). Hence, there is no point in resenting others, or in resenting situations, because they are exactly what we need right now. Another belief system is the idea that all that happens is the will of God, or the will of the Universe. While this last belief is useful, and the resulting sense of acceptance may be enough for some people, others will benefit more through a belief that includes the notion that they are personally responsible for what goes on.

Whichever belief system we use, it is essential that we escape this victim mentality. Tempered with a healthy sense of self-esteem, and the knowledge that we are doing the best we can, there is little doubt that our lives will become happier as a result. When we catch ourselves blaming others for our misery, or resenting that lingering illness or other misfortune, we would do well to stop being a victim, and instead accept responsibility for our lives.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Stories of Angel Encounters

Angel's on the Cliff: My grandma, mom and I were driving to BC for Easter and I needed out of the car to run and play (I was about 6) we stopped at the Columbia Ice fields and decided to go up for a walk. I was running ahead and my mom yelled for me to slow down.  Just as I turned to see where they were I saw my grandma fall and start sliding towards a cliff. My mom caught her but they already had so much momentum they weren’t stopping. We were all screaming at the top of our lungs but there was no one around.  As Grandma and Mom slid toward the edge of the cliff, two men, who could barely speak English, in full climbing gear (that you don’t need for a hike out there)  appeared out of nowhere and grabbed my mom just as she was losing grandma over the edge and lifted grandma like she was a feather. Both were battered and beaten but alive. Just as they got to their feet I went running to them and as fast as they were there, the two men were gone. I know who they were and mom and grandma are pretty sure what happened them.  We will always be grateful to these two men/angels.  Because of them, I didn't lose the only family I had.
Angel's Protective Cloak: One day in 1979, I was driving along Alameda and Firestone in the City of South Gate California, when all of a sudden my headlights went out, my muffler started to drag, making a lot of sparks and noise.  I was headed East at the time so I had to make a U turn to go back toward my home.  My children were with me at the time, a son 3 and a daughter age 6.  They were both very scared because it was a dark and scary area on the main street.  The signs along the street said "No Stopping Or Parking At Any Time".  As I was making the U turn on Firestone, I noticed that about a half a mile back, the light signal was red.  I thought I had enough time to park along side of the Firestone plant and get out. (It is a large industrial building in the area)  I told my children to hurry up and get out of the car and wait along the side of the fence that surrounded the building.  I was trying to hurry and get out of the car myself , but it was too late, a large brown van hit me as I was trying to get out from the drivers side of the car.  I knew it was over for me!  Then all of a sudden I heard a strange swishing sound and I looked up and I was OK.  I couldn't believe it!  The brown van pulled up in front of, or, I should say along side of my car, and the people in the van asked me if I was OK.  They too were shook up at what just happened.  I could not speak, I was in too much of a shock and they were also.  Their van went right through me. The noise I heard was definitely the sound of "Angels Wings" covering me as the van went through me.  I will never, ever, forget that night!  This happened right in front of my children who were screaming, because they thought I was hit by the van. 
In the Hands of an Angel: When I was 7 yrs. old my 5 yr. old cousin was very sick and my parents would never tell me what was wrong.  Years later I found out he had cancer.  My parents told me after he died not to talk about him.  Everything was so hush, hush and I was devastated and no one would tell me where Chetty went.  Whenever my family went there for visits; he'd always want me to go out and swing with him. 
After he died, we went to his house for a visit and I was so lonely, I decided to go outside and swing.  As I sat there remembering how it use to be, Chetty walked up to me and an Angel was holding his hand.  She had beautiful long blonde hair and was dressed in a long white gown.  She never said a word, just smiled, but Chetty looked at me and said "I'm not in pain no more".  He and the angel turned and walked until they simply faded away.
Angelic House Protection: me and I told her that I had to go home.  That something was wrong and I had to go home.  This lasted for about five minutes.  Sharon would not let me go and then suddenly the feeling left me.  We looked at the time and it was 1:45 in the afternoon, the feeling left me at 1:52.
I finished out my day at work and as I drove up to my home there were several police cars in my driveway.  At exactly 1:40 pm that afternoon my husband who works out of our home felt the need to go to the store.  He left the house for ten minutes.  While he was gone five very aggressive men took an ax to our door, kicked it in and rip out VCR's, TV's and several other items.  They were caught and the police officer came by the house with the men who were pointing out all the homes that they had robbed in our neighbor.  The officer said that if my husband had been home, they would have hurt him or even killed him.
I feel that my guardian angel saved him by instilling the need to go to the store at that exact time.  He still does not know why he went that day.  But I am thankful to my angels for their help.
Consequences of Not Listening: This is another story that has a moral to it.  Always listen to your guardian angel!  One morning as I woke up I heard a voice saying over and over don't get on the boat, don't get on the boat.  So I told my husband about it.  That day we were going boating with a friend who was bringing another friend that we had not met yet with their own boat as well.
My husband and I talked about what I had heard and we made a decision to go met with them on the beach, but not to get on any of the boats that day.  However at the end of the day after not getting on any of the boats, my friend talked me and my husband into getting on the boat for just a ride only.  We gave in and went.
While they were pulling a tuber in a double tube, the new ski rope, snapped.  It snapped because the tuber had fell off the tube and the boat driver who had been drinking continued to drive the boat at over 30 mph even after we repeatedly yelled at him to stop.  The tube submerged and held fast in the water, the ski rope had an estimated 4,000 pounds of pressure place on it and it snapped.  At first everyone thought someone was shooting at us.  It sounded like two gun shots.
The first of the two gun shot sounds were when the rope snapped and the second one, when it hit me in the head.  It knocked me out and cause great bodily injury to me.  I am disabled now due to what happened.  I wish I had listened to my guardian angel.
So everyone out there don't make the mistake that I did.  Listen to your guardian angel.  Even if you feel stupid or foolish, don't give in to other's wishes around you.  Let God lead the way for you through the guidance he gives you through your guardian angels.
Angels, watch over my family:  One of our sons, was going to a party to meet a friend and my wife told him not to go; he said that he was going and left in the car; as he was going down the highway, he felt angelic communications to the effect that he should turn around; he did not pay attention and was wondering who was he talking to?  One exit before his required exit, he felt that someone turned the steering wheel and took the car out that exit; he then felt, that he should listen, and returned home; he relayed the story to us. We found out the next day, that there was a shooting at the party and his friend was killed.  I guess, his guardian angel kept him from possibly being killed also.  thank you Guardian Angel!
Another time, this same son, was going to meet a girlfriend in NC and his mother again warned him not to go; it was winter and himself or the car were not prepared for the journey.  During that night, my wife had a vision, where she saw him stranded on a dark NC roads, in the cold and freezing.  Again, she sent his guardian angel and other archangels to assist him.  When he returned a few days later, my wife asked him if anything had happened on the road, and because he knows of her gifts, he said Yes and related to us this story.  He had run out of gas on a dark road in the middle of the night, and it was very cold, he did not want to stay in the car, so he started walking; a big 16 wheeler came and told him that He WOULD TAKE HIM TO THE GAS STATION, GET SOME GAS. He took him there, gave him a gas can and waited for him,  to return him to the car; as my son  was putting the gas into his car, he turned around to say THANK YOU and the truck and all had disappeared without a sound or any loud noise from the truck engine. Another one of those angels in disguise. 
Another son, was returning home late at night in his small sports car, when at a major intercession, someone ran the light and plunged into his side. The car had one of those iron cages that surround you; he looked in his rear view, as he was pinned very tightly and saw someone who kept telling him: 'Don't loose faith, someone is already on the way.' When the fire rescue people came, he told them that there was someone in the back seat and they said that there was NO ONE THERE!  He knew then that it was an angel in disguise, keeping him from loosing his grip on the situation...saved his life!  
No creature too small:  One weekend I was away from home and found that my two Jack Russell dogs were let out of the yard by someone leaving their gate open.  These dogs are like my children to me, we searched and looked all over for them.  My heart was torn into a million pieces, the tears would not stop.  During our search on Saturday, we came across a man walking his dog about 12:30 AM and we left him our name and phone number.  We continued our search through the night, but we didn't find our doges. 
On Monday I came across an email that shared Angelic information with naming about 15 Angels.  I called out to each one of them with tears streaming down my face and demanded that I get my puppies back home safe and unhurt where they belong.  That Monday afternoon the man we ran into Saturday night called me and said he saw a sign stating two Jack Russells were found and he gave me the phone number from the sign.  I immediately called the number and sure enough this wonderful family had found my dogs and took care of them for the weekend.  I believe in all my heart that the Angels sent us in the direction of this man, for the Angels knew my heart was broken and they were just waiting for the word from me to assist.
I know there are people suffering in this world and would think that loosing dogs is nothing compared to the suffering of others but this was MY heartache and there is no suffering too big or too small that the Angels wont help with, all you have to do is reach out. I am living proof that they are, not just with returning my dogs but in other areas of my life.
Visitor in the night:  On night, about 3am in the morning I was woken by the most beautiful feminine voice I ever heard..  She was saying over and over again "Angel Fennety".  I couldn't open my eyes, I fought and fought till eventual I did, and I let out a bit of a scream due to the effort.  As soon as my eyes opened her voice stopped, but I knew exactly where she was moving in my room.  I was covered in goose bumps and felt quiet warm, I said to her "thank you for coming to see me, and that she can go in peace".  Shortly after that, the mood in my room changed and I could go back to sleep.
The next morning when I woke up I saw the back of a figure in white, it took a couple of steps and disappeared.  It was not the same entity that came during the night, I had no positive or negative feeling towards this one, it was just there.
Everything's going to be okay:  I lost my son Justin 2 years ago to murder.  Since he was in High School, we would go round and around about him not bringing the car home when he was supposed to.  The night before Thanksgiving, I prayed for God to give me a sign that Justin was ok and that I was doing the right things to bring the people to justice and to keep his two children safe from harm.  After dinner, my husband went outside and our pickup was running, no one had been outside to start it.  I knew immediately that it was a sign from Justin that everything was fine and all would be ok.
Concerned "Stranger":   I was having a very tough day. Trying to stay sober and deal with the loss of my true love and job at  the same time.  I begin to speak to my higher power over a span of  three months until one day I felt so helpless and doubtful.  I remember getting down on my knees begging for my creator to connect with me so I would know that he was there and that I was truly not alone.  That day I saw seven rainbows at different times.  What made me think the most was when a stranger in a green car saw me parked on the road.  I was crying and praying.  He pulled up next to my car, he said "I saw you here and wanted to see if you were okay!"  I said "Oh, yes I'm okay.  He then asked again,"  Are you sure that you're okay?" and again I replied "Yes".   He then said "Okay, you have a great day."   Instantly it lifted my spirits and I smiled at him with tears in my eyes and told him to have a good day too.  As he was driving away we both looked at each other in the rear view mirrors as if something told us to.  As I was driving away it dawned on me that what if he were an angel checking to see if I needed help.  This person. who I've never saw again,  made me feel so happy and at ease.  Just stopping to see if I was alright was all I needed to know that my higher power had connected with me through a stranger who I feel was an angel.
Survival in Vietnam:  I don't know if this was an Angel or my father who had recently passed, but I was stationed in Vietnam from 1970 to 1971 at the time that the United States was beginning to pull out of the country.  I was a First Lieutenant in charge of a 5 ton truck company running convoys to bring goods, equipment, weapons, jet fuel and supplies to different bases in the lower three Corps. 
I was assigned to bring an artillery company out of the mountains back to my base at Long Bien.  While leading the convoy on the road back to Long Bien, I felt a cool breeze run up my back.  We were in the sweltering jungle, there shouldn't have been a cool breeze.  I immediately felt that my convoy was to be ambushed down the road.  I halted the convoy in the middle of the jungle to review my ambush instructions with the troops.  We mounted our vehicles and proceeded down the road.  Not 30 minutes later, we were ambushed.  Because we were aware of the possibility of the ambush and were just recently prepared with instructions, we were able to get through it without incident.  We returned fire and drove back the Vietcong giving us the time to escape the ambush zone.  This happened 3 times in the year that I was there.  I credit this cool breeze for the survival of myself and my troops.
Protection on the streets:  I was walking home from the hospital in the middle of the night.  My husband had almost died and I wasn't thinking of anything but him and finally being able to go home and sleep.  I unconsciously took the quickest way home.  This wasn't necessarily the safest route.  The other streets were busier and safer and that was the way I always walked, even in the daylight.  All of a sudden I felt a presence.  It was a feeling like a mother gets when she "feels" exactly what her children are doing behind her.  I felt a large being who expanded huge wings and wrapped them around me.  It was a feeling of comfort I never felt before.  Then I realized the path I was taking home and the fact that I was standing in the middle of a dark alley.  I shudder to think what was down that alley that this being was protecting me from.