How Do I Know if I Have
Psychic Abilities? We Help you Find Out
Psychic abilities allow
you to have perceptions beyond the physical body. They are part of the daily
life of many. You will find countless references in books, movies and the internet
for phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance, intuition and premonition, which
are some types of non-physical (or extraphysical) perception. But how do I know
if I have psychic abilities?
Most of us have most
likely thought about this question at some point in our lives. Maybe one day
you find you have very clear intuition, another day you may experience déjà
vú, at another time you experience a lucid dream or even clairvoyance, maybe
when you were younger.
We are All Psychic
So; how to know if I have psychic
abilities after experiencing one or more of these? The answer is really
simple: we are all psychic.
Some of us are more
psychic than others. When it comes to developing psychic abilities have them
more developed than others; but we all possess the ability of being a proper
psychic with the right training and techniques.
Psychic abilities are in
fact a ‘kind of intelligence’; you learn them in the same way you learn how to
play the piano or drive a car. You simply learn how to become psychic.
But it is important to
understand there are people that have this intelligence much more developed
than others; so for them it is simply a part of their lives. Others want to
either develop, increase and/or control them.
If you want to know if you
already possess these types of abilities (or Parapsychic Intelligence) pay
attention as you go through life to occurrences that might lead you to come to
this conclusion.
Understanding Psychic
The first step is to
understand the different ways that information can reach you, a consciousness.
If you touch a metallic door knob you will get the sensation that it is cold.
You perceive this via a physical sense.
If you are lying on your
bed, relaxed, and clearly feel a tingling sensation between your eyebrows, that
persists for more than a minute, and fells as if a feather was touching that
area repeatedly, when there is nothing physical touching that area, then that
might be your psychic perception at work. In other words, the sensation cannot
be explained in physical terms and maps to a non-physical body that we have:
the energy body (or energosoma).
If you have your eyes open
and look at another person in front of and see the details of her face, hair,
eyes, this is the result of your eyes, brain, and all physical parts of your
body involved in physical sight.
If you, however, see a
bright envelope around the person, about five centimetres thick, along with
brightness and colours around the head, in an area that extends up to 20
centimetres from the head, then this is psychic ability. You would be seeing
her aura, something that is extraphysical and not accessible through your
physical eyes.
People often ask me if
those things could not simply be our imagination. The thing is imagination is
something you decide to put into work. It’s your will power at work. We
can apply the same “tests” to differentiate physical and psychic perceptions.
In the metallic door knob
example, you can ask yourself “am I imagining this psychic ability?” If after
you verify this you continue to feel the coldness of the metal, you know the
perception is there. It requires you to be in a passive, receptive state,
trying to “listen” or “receive” the perception without letting your expectation
or will interfere. If you train this ability with your physical perceptions it
will be easier for you to identify when you have a psychic perception.
Put your Psychic
Abilities Through the Test:
10 Questions that Will Help You Assess Them
1. Have you felt drained
after meeting someone? Like you need to have a quick nap?
2. Have you ever had a
feeling that something is about to happen to someone around you only to find
out it actually happened after some time?
3. Have you ever visited a
friend in his/her house (feeling great when arriving) but then left feeling
really tired? (no drinking or eating involved)
4. Have you ever woken up
remembering a very lucid dream or an out-of-body experience?
5. Have you ever had a lucid
out-of-body experience?
6. How about clairvoyance?
Have you ever had a flash and you were able to see other dimensions or people
that have already passed away?
7. Intuition: is it common to
you? How relevant are your intuitions?
8. Have you ever been able to
predict the future?
9. How about past events?
Have you ever had a retrocognition or recollection of a previous life?
Have you ever felt spontaneous vibration within your body
when waking up or when falling asleep?
If you have answered ‘yes’
or agreed with any of these questions there are possibilities that you possess
a good level of psychism, that’s how simple it is to tell if you possess
psychic abilities.
Your Interest is Already
a Sign!
Another thing to take into
account is when we show a particular interest for the topic. This implies we
have more awareness around it therefore we have a better chance to increase and
develop the abilities. Curiosity, motivation and dedication are key for
the development of this process.
Ideally we all should be
developing this intelligence in order to add to all the other capacities we
already have; therefore our understanding around life might increase and
Knowledge is necessary for
the development of your psychic abilities: read, study, practice and you
will be able to understand your level of psychism as well as to better develop
this intelligence.
Applying Techniques for
Psychic Development in a Healthy State
It is important to mention
that you should also focus on applying techniques to achieve psychic
experiences while in a healthy condition, where you could exercise your
lucidity and mental abilities fully.
Because of this, taking
any kind of drug, supplement, plant, root, or anything that will alter your
mental abilities will not help, particularly when you are trying understand
what psychic abilities are.
Belief and Psychic
Another common theme
related to this question is whether or not you should believe in psychic
powers. IAC proposes that you don’t believe in anything and that you try to
validate the theory that you learn with your own experiences.
Approaching the subject
with an open mind and with a healthy dose of scepticism can be very helpful in
differentiating sensations from the physical body, imagination, and real psychic
That approach requires you
to accept that sometimes you will not know what exactly happened. This is
expected and should not discourage you. The universe within and the one around
us are both very complex, and at times we will not know, at least not right
away. What is important is if you have new experiences and learn how to
identify when it is psychic ability in more instances as you gather experience.
Personal Growth and
Psychic abilities are
natural abilities, and as such, may be learned and some may have them
spontaneously. Some may be good at one modality, for example, telepathy, but
inexperienced in another, for example, premonition.
Learn how to work with
energies and honest, brave attempts to know more about the areas of your
personality that you can improve (self-knowledge) will also help to ensure a
healthy development of your psychic abilities.
The Stereotypical Image
of Psychics
A lot of movies
unfortunately portray the psychic ability as something obscure (in horror
movies, for example), mystical (in some dramas and action movies), or
pertaining to a person that is imbalanced, unstable (to avoid the word
“crazy”), or that has some grave illness (a brain tumour), suffered an injury,
had a near-death experience, or was hit by lightning.
Those references may give
the inaccurate impression that psychic abilities only happens in odd
circumstances, which is not the case at all. There are plenty of rational
healthy people that had extraordinary psychic experiences that made them more
mature. There are also people that apply a rational approach to their psychic
abilities and apply those experiences for personal growth, which is the
approach at IAC.
in learning more about your psychic abilities?