Tuesday, 7 October 2014

White Eagle Healing

SPIRITUAL HEALING is given at the Lodge according to White Eagle’s guidance instructions. Healing is given by the laying-on of hands, known as Contact Healing, and also by group prayer and thought-projection, known as Absent Healing. This work has been carried on since the Lodge was opened in 1936 and both forms of healing have proved extremely effective - sometimes even miraculous.

This spiritual healing should not be confused with faith healing. Many patients receive wonderful help who say at first that they had no faith.

By the magical power of prayer, any soul who is willing to try to become attuned to the healing rays can be strengthened in faith and filled with new hope and understanding.

Spiritual healing awakens and strengthens the inner light - the Christ self - which gradually takes control, bringing increased mental and emotional harmony, restoring and recharging the dis-eased body. Spiritual healing firstly restores the soul, and the physical healing follows.

CONTACT HEALING is given in services at the White Temple and the London Lodge, and at many White Eagle Daughter Lodges and Groups throughout the world. Please ask for more information about this if you feel you would benefit from attending these services.

ABSENT HEALING is given by groups each consisting of six healers under the leadership of one who is a member of the White Eagle Star Brotherhood and specially trained in the projection of healing power by thought and prayer. The healing groups meet weekly and each gives individual treatment to between fifteen and twenty patients. The soul of the patient is alerted and linked to the healing centre by calling of the full name, which sets up a powerful vibration in the invisible ether. Healing rays of light and colour according to White Eagle’s prescription are then poured onto that soul through the thought and prayer of the sitters in the group.

EARTH HEALING meditation cards are available for all who would like to join in this valuable work of healing our planet. Star Healing for Planet Earth is a growing venture in which many like-minded people give regular time to use the star symbol to direct healing energy to our planet. Click on Earth Healing Information Request if you would like to receive a free card. Please include your postal address so that we can send it to you.

ANIMAL HEALING The White Eagle Healing work is not only directed at people but also towards our furry and feathered friends! A branch of our absent healing work is directed particularly at animals, from much-loved pets to groups of animals around the world in great need. In our animal healing work we seek, through prayer, to bring about a general change in attitude to animals in farms and in the wild.

People can apply to place an animal on the healing list, to sit on a local animal healing group, and members can become lone healers for animals. An animal healing prayer card is also available for those who would like to use the healing power of the Star to help animals.

Animal Healing is available to many individual animals and groups of animals in great need of love, care and protection. In this Lodge, we have individual healers and groups of dedicated and committed healers who sit regularly every week to send out their light and love to all those animals through prayer. If you would like to know more or indeed wish to join us in this work, please contact the Healing Administrator.

Please note: we will not pass on email addresses to any third parties.

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